Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Lincoln CSA Box for 12/3/09

A nice supply of kitchen basics this time--celery, broccoli, green beans, potatoes, apples, baby carrots, baby Maui onions, cilantro, lettuce, spinach. What to do, what to do, on a cool night in the Beach Cities....
We had peanut stew tonight, with rice and lime and curry-style spices, and a whole lot of fresh vegetables.... made the house smell good and tasted great too. It's stew season, and the CSA box is full of possibilities in that direction.

1 comment:

badmomgoodmom said...

I made turkey salad.

Then I made turkey and veggie soup with couscous and farfalle (butterfly) pasta. Hey, they were all in the fridge and needed to be used.